Are You Getting ALL of Your Streaming Royalties?
Are you getting ALL of your streaming royalties?
Jeff Price is the founder of a music royalty collection service. It is a start-up called Audiam and is a MAJOR PROBLEM for Spotify and other streaming services. In 2016, he helped with a class action lawsuit against the Swedish company Spotify and its a class action lawsuit that was filed on behalf of musicians that alleges that they infringed on their copyright. Allthough Spotify has over 75 million users worldwide, it is stated to be worth over 8 BILLION dollars.
His service is designed to handle copyrights and collect all royalties from streaming services like Youtube, Spotfiy, Rhapsody and others.
His company has reported to have recovered over $15 MILLION in royalties since its launch in 2013. You can check out this article from the Los Angeles Times
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